yes, as the title of the blog reads...
"stop expecting you from other people"
such a powerful over-looked statement which does not get spoken about loudly enough
and i think this statement can be related to pretty much every form of relationship you will ever experience in life...whether it be relationships amongst friends, work-colleagues, couples/situationships, family or even online social media type friendships
a lot of the time we waste energy trying to figure out people's 'why'...
why would they even do that? (friends)
why are they so stuck with that old school mindset, can't they see that times have changed? (parents/folks of that generation)
twitter debates have people cussing mums and threatening each other, all because someone has a different opinion to you lol
why is it so hard for them to just do what i’m asking them to do? (a lovers tiff)
unfortunately the reality is that you simply cannot (and you shouldn't have to) "force" anyone to be like you/think like you/act like you, as much as you may want them to...the same way someone can’t force you to be like them/think like them/act like them etc
"indifferences" are amongst us as friends, colleagues, family etc
and guess what?
*drum roll*
these are what makes us different
the sad part is that we don't even attempt to see it as "it's normal for someone to be different to me". we assume that the epicentre of "normal" is us, and anyone who does not fit/conform into our definition of normal we consider them to be wrong
but who says they're wrong?
who says they're right?
who says they're right?
is it because they don't think like you then ultimately that means that they're wrong?
but who says your right anyway?
what if you're both wrong?
and i'm not talking about the major things in life which are distinctively and fundamentally right and/or wrong. i'm talking about the small trivial things in life that we waste energy trying to figure out
why this particular person never offers to put petrol in your car, but if that was you then you would gladly offer each and every time. some people are just not naturally inclined to do as you do...stop expecting you from other people
why this girl is always half naked in all her pics and seems to be getting attention from all the sexy lads you fancy. you might not agree with it and sure you can disapprove but you don't have to have hate in your heart for her just because she acts differently to you...stop expecting you from other people
why our parents (their generation) are so stuck with a mind-set that clearly isn't going to change. but we can't get onto them for not being current like us, as they probably won't ever see the world the way we see it...again stop expecting you from other people
for me, what i’ve slowly started to develop over the years is having the mind-set that "most things in life really are literally just a difference of opinions”, and more time its not even about who's right or wrong....its literally just about a matter of a difference in opinions
a bitter pill to swallow as at times but remember not everyone is going to agree with you, the same exact way you are not going to agree with everyone else
and lets not be prideful in saying that “i’m better than them”
and lets not be prideful in saying that “i’m better than them”
instead, just see it as “i’m different to them”
*think piece*
did you know that even identical twins are different. yes they share the same genetics, yes they have the same parents living in the same house, yes they may have went to the same school and probably had the same set of friends...yet two completely different personalities/mind-sets can emerge
so ask yourself...if identical twins are different then why do we expect us from other people
Thank you for reading
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